Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"glue-on,"" police approved," "nice people,"-" just food" - professional american terrorists instigators pro religious dictatorship organizing

these are definite organizations making moneys off of harassing targeted victims portrayed as villains for not wanting to know them. told to stay away- the terrorists continue harassment full blast. walk away from them - you can't. tell them to stay away- they wan't. professional instigator terrorizing and stake outs of victims and persecution police sanctioned and patted on the back - as every crime toward this victim is in America. terrorizing by adults and children - their job - assist dictatorship terrorizing - "just food,""nice people,""some cans,""would you like some change,""jesus is coming,""mental health services "helps" my husband,""everything is your fault,""i collected cans for $13 and i became a mechanic,""don't look at me,""here' candy and half a drink,""here's a can,""here's jailhouse food,""get out of trash,""take a shower,""i do not like you because you "do not wash" your feet""here's $1, here's $20" - do not fool yourself the money is in their and their friends pockets and is paid to them for harassing people and spreading propaganda.

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